
Austausch Chicago

Der Austausch mit den Partnerschulen in Chicago, Illnois, wird ausgewählten.Schülerinnen und Schülern der Jahrgangsstufen E1 und Q2 angeboten und findet alle zwei Jahre für zwei Wochen im Herbst statt. Im Juni des Folgejahres folgt dann der Rückbesuch der amerikanischen Schülerinnen und Schüler. Weitere Informationen zu Rahmenbedingungen und Anforderungen können der Präsentation entnommen werden:


Motivationsschreiben: Ein Auslandsjahr in Kanada

I decided to participate in a High School-Program and attend school abroad, because I love making new experiences. 

I'm very interested in other cultures and I like to learn more about them. I thought that a year abroad could give me a much better insight into the everyday life of another culture than a simple vacation could ever do. 

On top of that, I’m excited to get to know another school system and to have the chance to learn different skills in school than here in Germany. Through living abroad I hope that I grow and become more self-confident as a person in general, but also while speaking English.

Additionally, I’m excited for traditional food from Canada but also from the origin country of my homestay family. Moreover as a single child I’m curious what it will be like during the time abroad with three homestay siblings and a second international student from Mexico.

I’m grateful for being able to have this experience and I believe that it is going to be a rare one, which I will still remember 50 years from now.

Naomi Schwarz, E1 Gk